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Additional Services

Who We Are And Our Story

Additional Services

Telehealth has long been a cornerstone of technology-enabled care delivery, allowing hospitals, health systems, and group practices to provide high-quality treatment while simultaneously gaining efficiency, improving patient and provider satisfaction, and lowering costs.

Homepital is enabling customers to get its healthcare solutions within their trusted health and wellness environment, by partnering directly with businesses. Medical entities, insurers, and pharmaceutical firm can utilize the company's thorough, customizable telehealth service, which provides a comprehensive range of services backed by technology and data to empower cost-effective, personalized healthcare options.


Homepital is willing to offer the platform as an add-on to the business's existing framework which can be integrated with the business's own medical professional staff, or as a more customized service that includes Homepital's own physicians and nurses in addition to the platform's technical elements.

As a result, Homepital will be able to provide virtual care on behalf of its clients. We're reshaping how people receive healthcare, from on-demand emergency treatment to support with chronic and difficult health conditions. This entails creating data-driven, personalized experiences that change with a patient's evolving healthcare needs.